


1:Ignoring the deadlock for a moment, what happens at the philosophers' table when one philosopher dies while hold a fork?


2:One possible solution to the dining philosophers problem is to number the forks, and require the philophers to always pick up an even-numbered fork first.
  • Does this scheme work?
  • What happens when there are an odd number of forks?
  • Can this scheme be extended to work when you need three forks to eat?

  • Another possible solution, since all forks are identical, is to pile all of the forks in the middle of the table, and have the philosophers grab any two when they want to eat. Does this work better?
    • Analyze the probability of deadlock, treating time as discrete, based on the number of philosophers, probability of a philospher wanting to eat, and number of forks.
  1. A,B,C,Dが同時にフォークを一つ取る
  2. テーブルの上にフォークは一つも残らない(デッドロック)
4:I give you a red disk that you can use as a marker. How would create a protocol that guarantees deadlock avoidance? Is it robust against the death of one of the philosophers?
  • 二つめのフォークが取れなかった場合に,マークされた哲学者であれば一度食べることをあきらめてフォークを机に戻す.
  • フォークを机に戻した後,左の哲学者にマークを渡す

5:Describe how the original Ethernet CSMA/CD scheme is like the dining philosophers problem.


6:Find the synchronization primitive used in an Intel Core Duo dual-processor or an AMD on-chip multiprocessor.

Core2 DuoではLOCK命令が該当する命令だと思われる.
参照元: Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals: http://www.intel.com/products/processor/manuals/index.htm
 Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-MにLOCK命令の詳細が記述されている.

7:Write a program that copies one chunk of memory to another (your OS certainly provides some memory copy library routine). Measure its performance. (We will use this information in later exercises in the course.)


$ cat memorycopy.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#define SIZE 1024000

double cputime();

int main(){
unsigned char buff[SIZE] = "homework no.7";
unsigned char buff2[SIZE];
double stime, etime;
stime = cputime();
memcpy(buff2, buff, SIZE);
etime = cputime();
printf("%d Bytes memcpy() time: %10.6f ms.\n", SIZE, etime - stime);

double cputime(){
struct timeval t;
gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
return t.tv_sec + (double)t.tv_usec*1e-6;

$ ./a.out
1024000 Bytes memcpy() time: 0.003304 ms.

1 件のコメント:

rdv さんのコメント...

(HW is late)

* dead philosopher: okay.
* even-numbered forks: okay.
* middle of the table: It is strictly true that this protocol also
deadlocks. However, the probability of that happening is lower, due
to the way the operations happen. Moreover, this is more efficient;
the probability that any given philosopher gets to eat when she
wants to is higher. Finally, n+1 forks is enough to guarantee that
deadlock doesn't occur.
* red marker/new resource allocation protocol: good.
* CSMA/CD: very good.
* multiprocessor sync primitive: okay, but a little more detail would
be nice. The XCHG (exchange) instruction is commonly used for
* memory copy program: A start, but your actual performance
measurements are still weak. Getting the clock using
getttimeofday() is NOT the same thing as getting the actual CPU time
used; please don't confuse the two.

Score: 8/10, /2 for being late = 4.